Arla Plast AB has supplied a large quantity of special sized GRIPHEN™, PETG sheets to the Thompson Plastics Group in the UK to make the “ice” panels as a backdrop for the latest James Bond movie “Die Another Day”.
The material was chosen for its outstanding properties, notably its formability and its spread of flame characteristics, which makes it flame resistant.
The 400 thermoplastic panels that were ordered each measured 4 metres by 2 metres.
“It has really been exciting to follow this project of making “ice” out of our PETG material and as you would expect from one of Europe’s leading thermoformers Thompson Plastics has made an excellent job out of our sheets. ”, says Kim Warren Sales Manager
at Arla Plast in the UK.
Geoff Oliver, director & general manager of A&G Moulding, the Thompson Plastics Group company, which managed the project, said, ‘Arla worked well to meet not just a short timescale but also to supply exactly what we wanted exactly on time.’
PETG is extremely easy to fabricate and to thermoform, it has excellent transparency and high impact strength and is a material that is gaining more and more in popularity.
Arla Plast AB has, since the start in 1969, focused on extrusion of solid plastics sheets.
Today the main products are Polycarbonate, Polyesters and ABS. The company is privately owned and is today one of Europe’s leading suppliers of extruded thermoplastic sheet, exporting 80% of its production.