Battenfeld Extrusionstechnik: Taking the lead in the Indian growth market

Battenfeld Extrusionstechnik GmbH, Bad Oeynhausen, Germany and the Indian machine manufacturer Kabra Extrusionstechnik Ltd., Mumbai, have now completed 25 years of highly successful cooperation in serving the Indian ex-trusion equipment market. The partnership has been further strengthened by the joint venture which was established in 2006. Working as a team, the two companies have repeatedly set milestones in the performance of their PO and PVC pipe extrusion lines, with a total of almost 1,300 lines sold, and just under 100 granulators that have been installed as well.

Battenfeld Extrusionstechnik recognized the potential of the Indian extrusion equip-ment market at an early stage and in 1982 entered into a license agreement with the Kolsite Group, a manufacturer of plastics machinery already established in that market. This partnership showed a highly positive development to the benefit of both sides from the very beginning. During the first few years, Kolsite established a mod-ern production and technology infrastructure for BEX products and sold 11 BEX twin-screw extrusion lines for PVC pipe production. Over and over again, from the foun-dation of Kabra Extrusionstechnik in 1985 to the formation of the joint venture in 2006, when Battenfeld Extrusionstechnik and its American sister company American Maplan acquired a 14% stake in Kabra, these companies were able to install extru-sion lines which set benchmarks in their market. Thanks to the joint venture, Kabra Extrusionstechnik has gained access to the latest know-how of Battenfeld Extrusion-stechnik and American Maplan, and is thus optimally prepared to meet the future requirements of the booming Indian market.
Dynamic market development in India

In 2006, about 14 million tons of plastics were processed into pipe worldwide. Until 2010, the total capacity is expected to increase by 5% annually to about 17 million tons. Market researchers estimate that the annual growth rate in Asia will be about 6%, with India even showing a growth of almost 20%.
In the strongly fragmented Indian market, about 25,000 producers are currently processing a total of approximately 7 million tons of plastics. This volume is expected to grow to 12 million tons by 2010, almost twice the current figure. Today, about 900,000 tons of thermoplastic material is already being processed into pipes in India each year, more than 80% of which is PVC. This segment is also expected to grow at an enormous rate, since more and more pipes are needed for agricultural irriga-tion systems, drinking water, waste water and gas transport, plumbing and cable conduits. With its customized line concepts including extruders, dies and complete downstream equipment, Kabra Extrusionstechnik offers suitable solutions to meet the demands of every manufacturing task, not only for pipe production, but since 2006 also for profile extrusion. In 2007, Kabra installed the first complete line for the production of PVC door frames, thus underscoring once more its technological lead-ership in the Indian market.

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