American Maplan: High Performance Sheet Extrusion Systems

The space saving and more energy efficient high speed sheet systems from American Maplan utilizing Battenfeld Extrusionstechnik technology are also proving to have other benefits including easier operation of the machine, low maintenance requirements, short dwell times for better polymer quality and quick compound changeover/low exchange volume. All of these benefits are peaking interest of the system in the market.
Two extruders, the AMC/BEX 1-75-34 and AMC/BEX 1-45-30 are the power behind production of PS, PP and other standard thermoplastic materials. The system design provides output for PS and PP up to 1400 kg/hr and 1100 kg/hr respectively. The system features the BMCtouch control with central control panel, multiple memory function for line settings and a modem for remote diagnostics and monitoring.
According to Chuck Szoke, Sheet Systems Sales at American Maplan, ‘the output of these machines, is equivalent to a conventional 150 mm or larger extruder. High output combined with the energy efficiency of the motor and gear box technology, the initial payback will be 25-40% sooner than that of a typical system.’
The high speed/high output system includes the main and co-extruders, melt pump, screen changer, sheet die, roll stack with cooling unit, sheet guiding and inspection frame, haul-off, sheet accumulator, edge trim unit and dual station winder.
Potential applications for the high performance sheet line include packaging for fresh vegetables and bakery items, food display platters and party dishes, lids for packaging, medical packaging and packaging of hardware items.
American Maplan Corporation, Battenfeld Extrusionstechnik GmbH (Germany) and Battenfeld Extrusion Systems Ltd. (PR China) utilize their synergies to develop process machineries, dies, screws and downstream equipment that provide a Total Extrusion Solution for the price and performance needs of the customer.

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