Plastic Engineering Associates Licensing: 6th Straight Year of Sales Growth
Plastic Engineering Associates Licensing, Inc. of Boca Raton, Florida is pleased to announce its 6th straight year of increased sales since the company’s incorporation in 1998. The company’s main product, Turbo-ScrewsT polyolefin foam feed screw technology, is licensed world-wide and is patented in the United States, Canada, Russia, South Africa, throughout Asia, and the European Community.
David J. Fogarty, President, stated ‘We’ve been averaging 38% sales growth each year since our company’s inception and this past year was no exception. We are very proud of the market acceptance of Turbo-ScrewsT technology. We will be making a major sales and marketing effort into Asia and Eastern Europe in 2005 and we anticipate continued sales growth throughout this coming new year.’