Verbruggen: New Multi-layer adapters

Verbruggen has presented its new multi-layer adapters MA-CARR and MA-CAFR. The Belgian manufacturer of flat dies and multi-layer adapters has developed a new concept of extremely flexible coextrusion adapters. The principle of the configuration cassettes and the rotating restrictor bars has been kept. The improvement is to be found in the heart of the adapter. Due to an ingenious system of sliding elements, one and the same adapter can perfectly be used for a wide range of coextrusion configuration. The system allows much bigger variations in thickness and viscosity than it ever did before, according to the company. Due to the modular concept, a total flexibility for future products is guaranteed. The more than thirty MA-CARR and MA-CAFR adapters with up to seven layers, delivered up to now, have proven their reliability and extreme flexibility.

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