Enercon: New breed of Flame treater ignites industry interest

Converters and extruders who are familiar with flame treatment will want to take a closer look at Enercon’s new Flame Plasma treater. Innovative burner design, expert web handling and surface treatment expertise have led to the development of a new generation of Flame treaters. Equipped with PowerFlame™ burners this new line of surface treaters delivers exceptionally consistent treatment levels while providing users unparalleled control over their flame treatment process.
The product introduction is in direct response to requests Enercon has received by many industry leaders who rely on flame surface treatment. The new system fills the need for a system capable of handling webs reliably at very high speeds- a chronic problem for less robust systems that lack precision manufacturing to maintain roll and web alignment.
The system’s highly sophisticated electronic control system is easy to use and insures that all aspects of the treating process are precisely controlled. This control allows users to produce repeatable results without needing a degree in surface treating physics or combustion control. In fact, controlling this new system is very similar to controlling a standard corona treating system. And the combination of PowerFlame™ technology with this advanced combustion control system ensures delivery of a higher energy flame plasma to the material’s surface and, therefore, a higher level of treatment.
The new flame plasma treatment systems offer a range of options to meet varying application requirements. And each aspect of the system’s design is application-dependent so that the size, type and position of the burners, chilled treater roll, combustion and mixer controls provide the precise level of treatment desired.

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