NDC: New X-Ray Transmission Sensor
NDC Infrared Engineering has introduced a new X-ray transmission sensor (Model NDC 312) as a substitute for nucleonic transmission gauges in certain applications where an alternative to the use of radioactive isotopes is required; it also complements the NDC Infrared Engineering sensors in this regard. Targeted for a variety of plastics extrusion and textile applications, the new 312 X-ray transmission sensors can provide better measurement performance than even the best-designed beta gauges, according to the company. The new gauges can be safely installed, operated and serviced with minimal licensing and regulation requirements, they also outperform their nucleonic counterparts in several areas, providing sharper streak detection and spatial resolution, lower statistical noise, lower sensitivity to flutter and sensor registration, as well as providing more precise measurement. The Model 312 gauge is available in two versions: the high resolution 312N, which offers excellent narrow streak resolution; and the ultra-low-noise 312W, which has a wider aperture that allo ws more signal through for better accuracy.